Keeping you up to date is what we're all about. We'll let you know about any developments in the Factory Campers world including new additions to the conversion range such as new style wheels, updated cabinet choices etc.

Staycation Boom!

2 Minute read, May 4, 2021

 We hope everyone is staying safe and looking forward to things getting a little more like normal. We've…

Open for Business

1 Minute read, March 21, 2020

At Factory Campers we remain fully open for business; Monday – Friday (9am to 5pm) and Saturday (10am…

We go the Extra Mile….

1 Minute read, January 30, 2020

Thank you David for this wonderful recommendation: "Back in November 2019 I approached Factory Campers with a view…

Rose Farm Prize Draw Winner

1 Minute read, January 16, 2020

Congratulations to Linda from Tarporley who won a £50 high street voucher, donated by Factory Campers.  The prize…