Open for Business

At Factory Campers we remain fully open for business; Monday – Friday (9am to 5pm) and Saturday (10am to 4pm). We have also made the following changes to provide a clean and safe environment and to ensure as little disruption as possible.
- Only 2 staff members on site at any one time.
- Our office is cleaned twice daily.
- Hand sanitiser is available.
- We follow sensible social distancing precautions.
- Video tours of our stock vans are available via email.
- Handovers are available via a free concierge service. We can drop your new camper van on your drive, with a video handover if this is your preference – physical handovers at the office are still available.
- Viewing appointments are available 6 days a week; during your pre-arranged slot, no other appointments will be taken, to minimise social contact.